تسمح لك جميع حسابات PayPal بإرسال واستلام المدفوعات.
PayPal: inactivity will cost you
ما هو الفرق بين الحسابات الشخصية والتجارية؟
الحساب الشخصي: موصى به للأفراد الذين يتسوقون ويدفعون عبر الإنترنت ، أو يرغبون في إرسال أو تلقي مدفوعات شخصية مقابل النفقات المشتركة مثل مشاركة فواتير العشاء أو رسوم الإيجار. يوصى به أيضًا للبائعين غير المنتظمين أو أصحاب الأعمال الذين يرغبون في تلقي مدفوعات عبر الإنترنت وأيضًا إجراء عمليات شراء عبر الإنترنت.
PayPal: inactivity will cost you
Business: In an update to its general conditions of use, PayPal announces the introduction of a new provision concerning inactive accounts: these can be debited from a sum of 12 euros if the user does not not connect to it all year.
ZDNet.fr editorial staff
By the editorial staff of ZDNet.fr | Friday 09 October 2020
PayPal: inactivity will cost you
Forgetting your PayPal account could cost you. In an update to its general conditions of use, spotted by Numerama, PayPal announces a new measure targeting accounts that have been inactive for more than a year: "if your PayPal account is inactive for at least 12 consecutive months, we can invoice annual inactivity fees ”. The platform specifies that an "inactive" account means "that you have not logged into your PayPal account or that you have not used your PayPal account to send, receive or transfer money" in the last twelve month.
This new measure will be implemented from December 16 of this year. Users who disagree are encouraged to log in regularly to avoid incurring charges, or to permanently close their account. PayPal's documentation suggests that this drain will be made within the limits of the funds available in the user's account.
As BFMTV notes, Lydia also does the same and reserves the right to withdraw accounts that have been inactive for more than 12 months, up to an amount of 30 euros. These provisions were made possible by a law passed in 2014, which aims to fight against forgetfulness. The law nevertheless specifies that establishments offering this type of account must attempt to contact the account holder in order to check whether it is still active.
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